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DATE: 2015/03/20    READ: 6910

零售终端品牌SI 全案设计的专业品牌策划及设计装饰服务公司,担当国内零售行业众多高级会所,品牌形象店、专卖店,形象创新设计等专业工作。以跨界联合体的团队特色确保提供从项目整体定位、业态配置、功能规划、品牌创建及形象规范、到品牌空间制作、软环境营造、陈设设计一体化设计。以超越简单和割裂,力求达到商业目的最大化


Brand retail terminal SI whole case design professional brand planning and design decoration services company, serving the domestic retail industry, many senior clubs, brand stores, specialty shops, the image of innovative design and other professional work. Commonwealth team to cross-border production from the project features to ensure the overall positioning, format configuration, functional planning, brand building and image standards, to brand the space, creating a soft environment, furnishings design integrated design. To go beyond the simple and fragmented, and strive to maximize commercial purposes

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